We Bring the Monkey With Us
Interboro Spirits & Ales
Brooklyn, NY

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A Note on This Beer
Brooklyn’s Interboro and NJ’s Carton Brewing are two subways and a ferry ride apart, but thirsty New Yorkers gladly go to transportation extremes to taste both brewery’s craft magic in the same afternoon.
Today’s Sour Double IPA cuts out the commute -- We Bring The Monkey With Us combines Interboro’s high-ranking IPA prowess with Carton’s original Sour crowd-pleasing skills. Snagging this beer will up your street cred with Sour and hoppy crews alike -- just be sure you’re ready to answer a few key questions:
Is this a Sour Ale or an IPA?
Answer: Both! That pale-pink haze, pleasant pucker, and smooth finish are all tell-tale signs that this is a hoppy hybrid.
Where does all that fruity tang come from? The hops or the mulberries?
Answer: Both! Mulberries create that white grape tang and tartness, while Simcoe and rarely seen Wai-Iti Hops come in with the passion fruit and stone fruit notes.
Who else is drinking this beer?
Answer: For starters, Neko F. on UT is pretty stoked -- “Hoooooly wow. Now that's a beer.” Not to mention the swarm of fans who are rating it a 4.01 on UT for its unexpected but palate-pleasing flavors.
Even if you’ve never stepped foot in NYC, Bring The Monkey will have you and your friends riding the smooth train to fruity flavortown as quick as you can say Sour IPA.
Packaged On 8/5/2018
57 Ratings