Catherine The Wampus
Gigantic Brewing Company
Portland, OR

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A Note on This Beer
Keep Oregon weird? Nah. How about keep Oregon beer’d!?
Oregon is Beer Connoisseur’s #2 Best Beer State in the US.
Today’s a chance to really sink your taste buds into a collaboration from two of the state’s best in one beer. Catherine The Wampus IPA is vibrantly aromatic, majestic, mythical even — and plump with hop-filled, dank tropical citrus! Just what we’d expect from these world-class craft breweries.
de Garde is rated among the Top 50 Breweries in the World on UT. Even in their home state, their bottles are incredibly hard to find outside of the brewery; outside of the Northwest, forget about it.
Eater calls the multi-GABF medalists at Gigantic an Essential Brewery. Locals will tell you, if you visit Portland and miss out on Gigantic’s brews, another trip is definitely in order.
Have you ever tried a Gigantic IPA? Or, any sought-after brew from the elusive de Garde? If you’re lucky, maybe one of the two, but I’ll bet not a collab from both!
Today, let’s keep you beer’d!
Tavour strictly supports independent beer. Gigantic Brewing Company is certified independent by the Brewers Association
Tavour strictly supports independent beer. de Garde Brewing is certified independent by the Brewers Association
70 Ratings