CHONK Strawberry & White Chocolate
Drekker Brewing Company
Fargo, ND

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A Note on This Beer
“Thick! Strawberry for sure. White chocolate? Sure. It's smooth and decadent. Is this beer? It's very tasty.” @Alan the Prodigal IPA Pounder on Untappd
Today’s indulgent, yet perplexing beer is called CHONK Sundae Sour, and it’s crafted by the Best of Craft Beer and US Open Beer Championship award-winners at Drekker.
But that’s not why I’m flipping out over snagging the only stash of this dessert-inspired sipper to leave the Midwest.
No, I’m as giddy as a strawberry-soaked gumdrop because this thick-as-hell, 7.5% ABV Sour is made with 100 lbs of real, ripe strawberries, 20 lbs of silky, smooth white chocolate, and heaps of creamy, sweet lactose in every barrel.
Yeah, I know! Just reading that is enough to make me go coo-coo for this fruity, cocoa layered treat. And I’m not the only one.
Fargo craft fans are so impressed with this brand new sipper, they’re giving it an earth-shattering 4.45 score on Untappd, and comparing it to the Slushy Series from 450 North.
But the praise doesn’t stop there! Scroll through the check-ins and you’ll see comment after comment from fans who just can’t get enough of today’s smoothie-thick Sour:
“Oh, my sweet heavens. This is THE creamiest beer I have ever had. It is actually the beer form of a strawberry sundae. I wish I bought more.”
“This thing is insane. Thick and sweet. Just so many layers of flavor to it.”
“They may just need to create a new official style of beer.....smoothie. These are just on a whole other level.”
So, if you’re ready to get on a “whole other level” — and be the first to introduce your friends to the brewing powers of the boys at Drekker — then grab your cans now.
‘Cause this is one chonky brew you definitely don’t want to miss.
Rated 4.45 on Untappd
1241 Ratings