Ginormous MK6
Gigantic Brewing Company
Portland, OR

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A Note on This Beer
Everyone loves having insider information but they're not always generous with sharing it. In Portland, some residents will send tourists anywhere else to safe guard access to their local hot spot: Gigantic Brewing.
I actually watched a friend do this -- conveniently leave Gigantic off a list of must-see PDX breweries. I gave him the shame finger but he just shrugged: You do what you gotta do.
To help ease my guilt by association, Tavour is sharing today’s beer. Developed at Gigantic’s secret testing facility, this is Ginormous MK6 Imperial IPA.
What’s Ginormous mean? Urban Dictionary says it describes something so uncommonly big that regular words just aren’t enough. Gigantic Brewery uses it to describe this 100 IBU hop bomb. The kind of hob bomb very few breweries seem to make anymore.
MK6 hits you with a wave of juicy pineapple, ripe melon, and resinous pine from Cascade and Galaxy Hops. It’s pumped up with a heavy-hitting 8.8% ABV body and triple-digit bitterness that takes this bad boy to the next level of hop intensity.
Gigantic won’t make this rendition again. They don’t like to repeat themselves so if you want a limited edition from the brewing heart of underground Portland, this is your chance to net a Gionormous craft beer. And after you try it, pick up the phone and tell someone about it.
Packaged On August 9th, 2018
114 Ratings