Hop Roulette: Pacific Jade
Abomination Brewing Company
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A Note on This Beer
Single Hop: This brew is crammed full of Pacific Jade Hops. It puts every nuance of the New Zealand hop variety on full display with double dry-hopping AND a massive addition during the boil. Taste: Look for lots of tropical pineapple, ripe melon, and dank papaya up front, plenty of pithy grapefruit, and a hint of pine resin on the finish.
If you consider yourself a hophead, you’ve gotta grab a can or two of today’s Hop Roulette IPA!
See, this is not your average single hop beer. The brewers at Abomination wanted to explore every flavor of Pacific Jade Hops. So, not only did they double dry-hop with a mountain of the stuff, but they also added a heap to the kettle late in the boil! That's a whole lot of expensive hops right there!
But abomination doesn't care, as long as the beer tastes the way a hop-field smells! And boy does it ever.
These guys have the skills to unlock ALL the hops! Even in beer-drenched Pennsylvania they're one of the 3 highest rated breweries in the state on Untappd! So if you're looking to tune your palate into the glory of Pacific Jade, look no further!
Here’s a quick brewing lesson for those not aware: dry-hopping tends to add sweeter, fruitier, and more floral notes to a brew, whereas adding hops to the boil unlocks all the resinous nuances and billowing aromatics.
So when you taste all that tropical fruit, it's from dry-hopping. And all those resinous piney notes that lead to the nice, dry finish? That’s from the kettle additions.
One sip of Hop Roulette, and you won’t believe all that complexity can come from just one hop.
Packaged On August 11th, 2019