A Note on This Beer
The Bruery's reputation for brewing bold, boozy decadence is legendary in the craft community, but their 9th Anniversary Ale is there most time-consuming creation ever --it’s nine years in the making! All that aging turns Saule into a classy 16.1% ABV fruity, bourbon barrel-aged fig and toffee masterpiece that puts even vintage whiskey blends to shame.
Saule is brewed using the solera method, blending younger ales with beer from the brewery’s beginnings a full 9 years ago. There are no shortcuts with this technique -- solera takes time, care, attention, and serious patience, and it delivers the kind of layered depth you find in classic bourbon cocktails.
A deep mahogany pour releases aromas of dried apricots and hazelnuts, leading to notes of fresh figs and deep caramel with hints of dark chocolate. Bourbon brings a touch of sauteed apples and brown sugar, before diving into a lingering nutmeg finish with a whiskey bite.
“This makes me feel… connected,” one of the biggest dark beer fans at our tasting table said, sipping this beer. And it’s true -- taste Saule and you taste the history of The Bruery in every sip. This is an anniversary beer worthy of a flavor (and booze) master -- pour now for toffee and sweet orange flavors, or cellar to bring out more smooth vanilla bean richness.
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